My learning diary
My module 4.5 - Lesson plan
My module 4.4

Here is our SAFT material for pupils árg 13-15 in Englis (Prezi).

I think we start very early as parents to talk to our children not to sprakk to strangers. It would then be appropriate for teachers to start as children start to go to school.

4. What tools & resources can I use to teach computing - part 2

My module 4.3

In Iceland we have SAFT -"comunity (sa), family (f), tecnology (t) "that is designed to help both grown ups and children to be safe on the internet.

I used to do blog sides with my pupils and they used to have their own blogs but it's not any more. Now FB is used and they use instagram alot. Lately I've been useing Padlet with my pupils. 

Most searching is done with google or bing.

4.1 Tablet-based tools 1
4.2 Tablet-based tools 2, Assessment and Schemes of Work
4.3 Tools & resources for teaching internet search, web editing, and computer networks
4.5 Module 4 Activity 1: Preparing a Lesson Plan